
We Care Our Pets


How Long Do Cats Live at Home?

Cats have an average lifespan of 10-15 years, though their life expectancies may differ depending on many factors. Making sure your cat receives appropriate veterinarian care and regular check-ups is one way of increasing its lifespan. And prolonging its existence as long as possible.

Cat parents can ensure their felines live longer by keeping them indoors. And reducing injuries from running into cars or other animals. A healthy diet and regular veterinary visits will also extend their lives.

Indoor Cats

As the owner of a cat, you want to spend as much time with your furry pal as possible. Thanks to improvements in nutrition and veterinary care, feline friends are living longer than ever before. Although their exact lifespan depends on a range of factors such as hereditary health status and lifestyle choices.

Indoor cats generally reach 13-17 years of age with strict indoor living. Some exceptional felines live into their 20s – Creme Puff lived until the impressive age of 38.

Health is the single greatest factor influencing how long cats live. Cats that maintain a healthy weight, and receive regular vaccinations and screenings, are best equipped to live long lives. Furthermore, indoor cats need plenty of opportunities for mental and physical stimulation to avoid developing bored and stressed behaviors. Which could eventually become health risks.

Another factor affecting a cat’s lifespan is whether she lives indoors or outdoors. Outdoor cats face numerous dangers such as being hit by cars and predators or parasites; these risks could shorten their life span significantly.

Last but not least, breed plays an integral role in determining how long a cat lives. Purebred cats tend to live shorter lifespans than mixed-breed or “mutt” cats; breed-specific conditions like hereditary cancers or genetic diseases can drastically shorten their life expectancy.

If you want your cat to live as long as possible, the best thing you can do for her is keep her indoors as much as possible. If she must venture outside occasionally, ensure she’s well supervised so as not to spend days outside unattended. Other preventive measures that could prolong its lifespan include spaying/neutering her and feeding them a nutritious diet along with regularly visiting a veterinarian for tests and vaccinations.

Outdoor Cats

If you want your cat to live a long and healthy life, keeping him indoors may be the key. Indoor cats typically live into their teens or twenties while outdoor cats typically only live until around age 3-4.

According to UC Davis’s School of Veterinary Medicine, the amount of time a cat spends outdoors has an impactful influence on his lifespan. Outdoor cats generally live 10 years less than indoor-only counterparts due to increased risks such as being hit by cars, attacked by other animals, or contracting life-threatening diseases like feline leukemia, FIV, feline infectious peritonitis (FIP), toxoplasmosis distemper and rabies.

People who allow their cats to spend too much time outdoors often forget to provide appropriate care, leading them to health issues related to weight and an insufficient level of veterinary services as well as increased exposure to infectious diseases.

Allowing cats to roam outdoors poses another threat to wildlife, including ground-nesting birds and small mammals such as baby squirrels. Furthermore, cats can kill ground-nesting birds accidentally and spread parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mites that infect both ground-nesting birds and their young as well as humans. Unfortunately, people often shoot, poison, slit open and drown unsupervised cats as part of ritual sacrifice.

Regardless of whether or not you choose to allow your cat free reign. Be sure to provide him with food and water at all times. Especially at dawn or dusk when he may be killed by cars or attacked by other animals. Also, provide plenty of fun hiding places such as cardboard boxes and paper grocery bags. Finally, make sure to shelter him in below-freezing temperatures to prevent becoming lost and suffering frostbite or cold shock.

Adult Cats

Cats are highly intelligent creatures, and their capacity to learn and adapt plays a vital role in why they can live such long lives. Though it’s hard to know exactly how long a feline will live, you can help your cat live as long as possible. By creating an environment that promotes its well-being and health.


Kittens typically reach one year of age before needing extensive care, including special food for them and plenty of playtime with people. It’s essential to set a consistent routine and prevent their behavior from becoming excessive. Otherwise, it could lead to unnecessary stress that negatively impacts both their health and life expectancy.

Young Adult:

Cats between 1 and 6 years of age can be considered young adults. While they may still exhibit some kitten-like tendencies. They should now be capable of caring for themselves without needing constant supervision as kittens do. By now they should have become litter trained and are typically familiar with living alongside both humans and other pets in homes.

Mature Adult:

Cats that are past their prime may become less active and adopt a more sedate lifestyle. Becoming susceptible to early symptoms of age-related diseases like arthritis, kidney and liver issues, and cognitive dysfunction. Therefore it’s wise to conduct bloodwork every one to two years to monitor their condition and detect early warning signs of disease.

Wild Cats:

Wild cats tend to live shorter lifespans than domesticated ones due to the extreme stress involved with living in the wild. While domesticated tigers typically reach adulthood by age 20, half their litter doesn’t make it past two years in captivity!

An effective formula to increase a cat’s longevity includes providing them with a balanced, nutritious diet and regular veterinary care. Avoiding infectious diseases which could shorten their life is vital while spaying or neutering reduces reproductive diseases risk.

Senior Cats

As our cat’s age, their bodies begin to undergo changes that may render them less active or cause them to sleep more at night. They may develop arthritis that makes it more difficult for them to jump onto couches or climb into cat condos; weight may begin to come off; and their litter box habits might change. More likely than before to leave larger clumps behind when leaving behind waste.

As a rule of thumb, cats over seven years old are generally considered senior pets. Though depending on your cat’s condition they might even qualify as geriatric by fifteen. At this stage it is very important to monitor your cat’s health closely. And identify signs of illness such as weight loss; decreased appetite (your cat might only pick at food); lumps that won’t go away or grow over time; trouble breathing, urinating or defecating normally; difficulty with bleeding from their nose or mouth; bleeding from their nose or mouth; vocalization changes or sudden increases thirstiness.

Your senior cat needs to visit the vet at least twice annually or more often if there are any problems, especially cats that are adept at hiding pain. To extend its lifespan and keep them feeling good longer. Keep Cats from Scratching Furniture with Home Remedies

Staying at home

Staying at home can extend the lives of both cats and dogs. By keeping them out of danger from other animals and vehicles, with indoor-only cats typically living 15-18 years on average compared to just 7 for outdoor-only cats.

As well as protecting your cat from the elements, it’s also wise to enrich their environment with toys and treats to keep their minds occupied as they age. Food puzzles are particularly beneficial as they force seniors to use their brainpower in solving the challenge of finding food. Furthermore, feeding your senior cat a special diet is recommended as this will aid their physical and mental well-being as they approach old age.

How to Keep Cats from Scratching Furniture with Home Remedies?

Cats scratch for many reasons, including stretching, marking their territory, filing their claws, and communicating with other cats. Unfortunately, inappropriate scratching can leave an enormous mess behind!

At-home remedies to keep cats from scratching furniture: Here are a few solutions:

1. Scratching Posts

Provide your cat with several scratching alternatives to reduce its scratching behavior. Cats typically love stretching and scratching when they first wake up from naptime. So having a scratching post or tree nearby will meet this need while protecting furniture. Place the scratching post in a prominent place so your cat will see and use it often; reward him/her when using the post instead of scratching the sofa or carpet. And it should eventually lessen over time.

An ideal scratching post is typically constructed of sisal or coir material and features a scratchy surface for cats to scratch on, such as sisal or coir ropes, making them attractive choices in pet stores, online retailers, and home improvement centers. To get your cat using the post, offer treats or sprinkle catnip over it as incentives; play games near it so it learns to associate its presence with enjoyable experiences like wand toys or treats nearby.

If your cat still scratches your couch, try using deterrent spray or noise to discourage it from returning to its old spot. Wrapping aluminum foil or double-sided tape around the couch might work; failing that, use a plant sprayer or squirt bottle with water instead.

If you own a large cat, investing in a tall scratching post with a sturdy base may help your feline avoid damaging furniture and to prevent house destruction. Consider purchasing scratching covers – plastic sheets that cover fabrics.

2. Deterrent Sprays

Many pet stores sell deterrent sprays designed to stop cats from scratching furniture. These usually contain an unpleasant scent or taste such as citrus or bitter apples that is off-putting to cats and applied directly onto areas that you want protected, discouraging cats from returning there again and again.

These sprays are easy to use and may work for some cats. But others may need other means of deterring scratching. One simple strategy is covering an area with double-sided tape, aluminum foil, or plastic sheeting – cats dislike sticky surfaces so will often avoid these places altogether. You could also try placing clear vinyl panels – available in various sizes. And attached easily via screw pins – instead of plastic covers which may look unsightly on furniture.

Water can also help discourage scratching by flooding an area with it. When your cat attempts to scratch something, use a water spritzer – it won’t hurt them and may help them associate scratching that piece of furniture with negative feelings, like being sprayed.

Scratching may be an indication of anxiety or boredom for cats. To combat this behavior, keep them engaged with toys and playtime to reduce these feelings. Also, have your vet regularly trim their claws. Finally, for any special furniture or items of importance to your family that your cat tends to scratch at, consider keeping them in an inaccessible room to reduce potential scratching incidents.

3. Scratching Pads

Cats that lack adequate scratching surfaces often resort to other less desirable locations to sharpen their claws. This often includes furniture such as chairs and sofas. Luckily, there are several home remedies you can try to stop misdirected scratching by your cat.

One solution is a scratching pad designed specifically for cats. These pads typically consist of fibrous paper that mimics the texture of furniture that your feline likes to scratch on and can even be flipped over when wearing and tear begins to show. Most are even reversible so when their effectiveness wanes you can simply flip them back over.

Attractive scratching pads can also be moved around the house to give your cat different scratching surfaces throughout your home, providing him with various scratching surfaces that he may prefer. If he proves to scratching certain furniture items, consider placing an attractive scratching post/pad near it (you may have to gradually move it back once he starts scratching more often).

Many people have had great success using attractants on scratching posts and pads to lure cats there. Some cats respond well to catnip, while others react better to different scents and flavors. Try scattering some dry catnip on desired scratching surfaces or spritzing some catnip oil on them to gain their attention.

When training your cat to use appropriate scratching surfaces, always employ positive reinforcement instead of punishment; punishing will only serve to scare and confuse them further, possibly damaging the bond you share with them. If they occur to scratch furniture you don’t wish for, simply redirect their behavior by telling them gently what they should be doing instead and offering plenty of praise when they finally do so.

4. Plastic Covers

Some pet owners will try anything they can think of to protect their furniture from scratch marks caused by cat claws, including purchasing furniture covers that claim to prevent claws from ever touching its surfaces. Although these covers might provide some relief in certain households. They could potentially pose risks for both you and your cat; damaging nails may cause pain while providing only a short-term solution for scratching issues.

Before resorting to plastic covers, try diverting your cat’s scratching behavior in other directions. Offer various scratching posts and pads made from different materials (carpet, sisal, and wood) near objects you wish to protect and encourage it with toys such as catsnip or honeysuckle spray to use them more regularly.

If your cat has already taken to scratching on furniture pieces such as couches and other pieces of furniture, it may be more challenging to retrain them away. A plastic cover could provide a temporary solution. These covers can be purchased at most pet stores or online retailers and feature sticky backs that adhere to furniture, making scratching more difficult for cats.

Remember that scratching is a natural cat behavior and should not be seen as sign of aggression. Scratching will stretch and strengthen muscles while marking territory and keeping claws healthy by scraping away old outer layers. Declawing should never be attempted as this may lead to health complications as well as prevent them from protecting themselves. When threatened or attacked by other animals.

5. Cat Scratching Posts

Cats need to scratch, it is biologically in their nature and helps keep their claws healthy as well as mark and territorialize territory. But if they use your expensive couch as their scratching surface it can be hard to change their behavior.  Therefore, cats must have access to other objects they can use for scratching so their focus shifts away from furniture towards these other objects instead.

No matter their scratching needs, every cat deserves the chance to scratch on something they enjoy. Whether that means simply providing a simple sisal scratching post or going all-out with multi-level posts featuring lounge and climb spots, or something even fancier like toys to stimulate them and keep them coming back for more scratching action! There’s sure to be an appropriate scratcher out there just waiting for them! And some come equipped with added features, like toys your kitty can interact with to encourage frequent scratching sessions!

When introducing a scratching post into your home, be sure to place it prominently and close to any furniture your cat likes to scratch. Add catnip or treats as lures and use positive reinforcement when they start choosing the post instead of other objects like sofas or carpets. Over time, this should train them to appreciate and prefer scratching the post over other objects – which means avoiding inhumane declawing while giving your kitty the exercise needed for proper functioning.

Best Dogs for Kids and Families to Adopt Straight Away

An appropriate dog can make for an excellent playmate for kids and teach them responsibility, but parents must select one who will remain calm in response to little hands poking and tugging at its fur.

Cavalier King Charles spaniels and Boxers tend to be particularly good with children’s rough play, while other breeds like Labrador retrievers and Irish Setters tend to do well too.

1. Bichon Frise

Bichon Frises, with their cotton ball appearance and lively personality, is an incredibly beloved breed known for being extremely good with children and adapting easily to any lifestyle. Bichon Frises love being around their family and having fun playing and socializing.

Rough or Smooth Collies have long been considered ideal companion dogs for children, having been featured prominently in films like 101 Dalmatians. As highly active, quick learners that love romping around, these breeds also tend to be protective of their families and thus make ideal family companions.

As with all dogs, it’s wise to enroll your Boston Terrier puppy in obedience training classes beginning as early as possible. They tend to be fast learners who thrive on attention. You could even train them for tricks and some canine sports! Furthermore, Bostons are hypoallergenic and non-shedders making them an excellent choice for people with allergies – living up to 14+ years!

2. Chihuahua

Chihuahuas are widely considered one of the cutest breeds for children and make wonderful lap dogs. Easy to train, these adorable puppies will play fetch or run around your yard with your children–just don’t take them out on a hot day as these brachycephalic dogs tend to overheat quickly!

Labrador Retrievers are one of the most beloved medium-sized breeds, known for their friendly personalities that make them perfect companions for families. This smart and active dog thrives in busy households where it can receive plenty of exercise and training opportunities.

Cavalier King Charles spaniels may have an endearingly silly reputation, but these friendly pups make great companions for children and are known to enjoy being petted or groomed by owners. Plus, they love getting their coat combed out! While some do better with rough-and-tumble play than others.

3. German Shepherd

Dogs can help children develop responsibility and compassion while providing companionship and unconditional love. Unfortunately, not all breeds make good family dogs; those that cut have a welcoming personality with excellent socialization around children as well as durability to withstand rough play.

The German Shepherd is an intelligent and affectionate canine that excels when in the company of children. Their natural herding instinct may even make them protective over time! Additionally, this breed gets along well with other pets and dogs, including other breeds of German Shepherds. Like other brachycephalic breeds, however, German Shepherds may suffer from hip dysplasia, respiratory ailments, digestive problems, overheating issues or overheating issues; quality breeders should provide health clearances. The American Kennel Club offers tools to find quality breeders.

4. Miniature Dachshund

Cuban national dogs, these lively characters boast exuberant personalities that endear them to children. Small enough for safe around-the-house use but energetic enough for games of fetch and tug of war, these lively pups make great companions!

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels’ gentle temperament makes them ideal companions for families with sensitive children or toddlers. Making them great choices for obedience training. Their calm but eager disposition makes them easy-care coat making this breed easy care to as well. Making them great companions for households with young children. Though less enthusiastic for rough and tumble play than others, these pups do love spending time with their families and participating in daily activities; plus, following commands. These pups do well when given plenty of mental and physical exercise each day, making them excellent guard dogs as well.

5. Miniature Pinscher

No matter your style of pet ownership – whether playful poodle or refined Frenchie – Miniature Pinschers offer something to please every taste and age group. Their big personalities and captivating expressions will quickly win children over!

Once used to herd sheep, these loving, adaptable dogs now make excellent companions for children of all ages and their calm demeanor makes them an excellent choice for children who may be fearful or have special needs.

These beloved canines pack an abundance of love and happiness into their compact bodies, providing ample companionship for active children who like to run around and explore. Shedding minimally and hypoallergenic, they may require additional training but will thrive when regularly challenged through games and activities.

6. Miniature Schnauzer

Smart and affectionate dogs make great family dogs. They form strong bonds with their human companions and make fantastic playmates for children. Furthermore, these intelligent canines respond well to training while their calm demeanor allows them to tolerate boisterous children without becoming overprotective.

Breeds that were originally developed to herd sheep have since evolved into gentle giants with fearless dispositions that make them ideal for use with children and families alike. Furthermore, their unfailing loyalty makes them great guard dogs for protecting a home.

Cuban Charmers are adorable charmers from Cuba that love people of all ages and can provide many years of joyous companionship and laughter. Though small in stature, these toy breeds provide joyful companionship as well as ample moments for silliness. Quick learners that thrive on challenges require regular walks around their neighborhood or park for exercise and stimulation.

7. Miniature Poodle

These well-proportioned dogs pack plenty of personality into their compact frames. Affectionate and playful companions for children alike, they make perfect playmates.

Continental clips on poodles started as functional design features to keep water-retrieving dogs buoyant and warm in cold waters by leaving more fur near their vital organs and joints.

Though all puppies make great companions for children, some breeds are particularly welcoming of young ones. When selecting your new family pet, ensure it has an obedient temperament with an eagerness to learn as well. As a calm demeanor so it won’t easily be scared or overstimulated by children’s activity levels. Preferably select an early socialization puppy; these individuals usually accept children better and respond better to reward-based training methods.

8. Miniature Yorkshire Terrier

When selecting a canine companion for your family, temperament must be taken into consideration. According to the American Temperament Test Society (ATTS), dogs who score well on temperament tests tend to be less reactive toward strangers and unfamiliar environments.

These breeds of dogs offer a reassuring presence that makes them perfect for children, with intelligent responses and responsive behaviors to complement any schedule or family lifestyle. Just make sure that regular grooming appointments are included when planning your fur-ever family schedule!

Boxers are energetic watchdogs that love social outings and playing fetch with other dogs. Although these pups may not have the longest coats, they’re easy to care for and don’t shed as often as other breeds. Irish Setters, on the other hand, tend to be playful companions for children. And offer great family protection without becoming aggressive towards strangers or family members.

9. Miniature Bernese Mountain Dog

If you’re searching for an easygoing dog with lots of personalities in a small package, look no further than a Mini Bernese Mountain Dog. These pups are patient with children while also being active enough for play dates with the youngster.

Labrador Retrievers are among the most beloved breeds, beloved companions for children, adults, and other animals alike. Fast learners with energetic bodies that need daily exercise; yet their playful personalities make them ideal family companions.

Cardigan Welsh Corgis dogs are affectionate and adaptable, channeling their herding instinct when around children, and are generally known for being protective. Be wary, however, as these pups can overheat in hot weather. Additionally, they’re known to shed, so make sure to brush them frequently and regularly to maintain good coat condition. Our ranking of best kids-friendly breeds relies on various factors including American Temperament Test Society tests. Take each result with a grain of salt as every animal and child has unique temperaments.

10. Miniature Dachshund

Cocker Spaniels are among the smallest sporting breeds and make for an affectionate companion, featuring low-hanging ears and an endearing face that melts hearts. Ideal companions for children and other dogs alike, Cocker Spaniels require minimal upkeep.

Selecting a dog that will get along well with children involves many considerations, from temperament and energy level to size. While size should play an integral part, any size dog may make for good companionship if it exhibits obedience. And an accepting nature toward running children. Larger breeds tend to be better because of their more docile disposition; all breeds and sizes can nip from time to time. Which needs constant training; this should usually be corrected through positive reinforcement programs; all dogs must always be monitored around children until the appropriate adult assumes control. All breeds and sizes should always be closely supervised when around young children or never left alone together!

11. Bulldog

Bulldogs are affectionate creatures by nature and make excellent companions for children, even taking on motherly roles when needed. With their calm disposition and not too large size, there’s less of an incident with accidentally knocking over someone while playing with one.

Classic Affenpinschers have long been beloved pets. From their distinct ears to their adorable snorts, everyone adores these charming canines! Additionally, they’re easy to train, adaptable, and very affectionate – qualities that all add up to a perfect combination!

As one of the most beloved family dogs, Golden Retrievers are highly popular choices for good reason. Not only do they love to hang out with children, but their high energy level makes them ideal for active families with active lifestyles. Intelligent and affectionate traits make these wonderful additions to any household; additionally, their low shedder status makes them ideal for allergy-prone households.

12. Newfoundland

Newfoundlands are beloved canines that possess incredible patience. They take pleasure in playing fetch with children as well as hide-and-seek. Newfies also make fantastic swimming companions due to their powerful webbed feet which give them maximum propulsion when in water.

Watchful dogs can protect their owners by physically placing themselves between strangers and any family members who approach. Although not known for barking, they will alert their owners in case of fire or the arrival of guests.

As with any dog, Newfies require supervision around children. They are known for bloat and other health problems such as kidney or bladder stones, ruptured cruciate ligaments, epilepsy, and cancer; just as other large breeds, Newfies require substantial amounts of food to properly grow and develop as a large breed; they drool excessively when eating which may stain clothing and furniture easily.

13. Irish Setter

Irish setters are warm-hearted dogs that adore people of all ages. Though high-energy and demanding daily exercise, Irish Setters thrive best with families that will provide lots of play opportunities and enrichments to keep them occupied. A large yard or acreage for this active breed to roam freely in is key as boredom often sets in and they become bored easily – which could result in mischief-making. Annual Treatments Do Dogs Need

Irish Setters are highly intelligent dogs who tend to pick up on training quickly, making them excellent candidates for agility training, fly ball, dock diving, or canine obedience classes. They excel at field trials and therapy dogs alike. Unfortunately, however, these playful pups can suffer from separation anxiety. That results in destructive chewing and barking behaviors when left alone for prolonged periods.

14. Boxer

American Kennel Club says the playful and energetic breed bonds closely with children, boasting childlike personalities and plenty of energy. Additionally, these highly intelligent creatures are eager to learn.

This athletic breed thrives in households that can meet its exercise needs, making them great companions. For families with energetic kids, excursions with older ones, or participating in dog sports activities. They are patient with boisterous toddlers while being affectionate to all family members.

As with any breed, terriers are inherently protective of family members and should always be monitored during play sessions with children. As these dogs may exert too much energy or knock over smaller ones during a session of physical play. They’re best suited to households with older children and adults. Terriers may be sensitive to medications – it is best to speak to the breeder regarding any health concerns. For your family and discuss any potential solutions with him/her before purchasing.

15. Vizsla

The Vizsla (pronounced VEEZH-lah) is an elegant hunting dog and beloved family pet that makes for an excellent playmate for children of all ages. She makes for an exceptional hunting dog!

Visslas are notoriously high-energy breeds. These dogs thrive on running and competing in competitive sports like agility. Furthermore, vizslas excel at scent work trials, hunting pointing retrieving on land or water surfaces, and scent work trials.

These dogs make an ideal companion for allergy-prone kids as they do not shed. Highly trainable and eager to please, they thrive when with their people.

However, this breed requires an experienced owner. They require regular long walks and jogs as well as training them. To remain calm around small pets such as cats and hamsters; otherwise. They’re likely to become overexcited and start chewing when overstimulated.

Free DIY Dog House Plans Anyone Can Build

Make your dog comfortable by providing him with a cozy place to shelter from the elements. This DIY dog house features real shingles to keep rainwater at bay and can easily be customized to your pup’s specific needs.

Modern Builds’ crooked dog house requires some knowledge and skills, but the end product more than makes up for your time invested in creating it.

1. Modern Builds’ Crooked Dog House

No matter if your pups are small or numerous, this adorable home will ensure they all remain contented and comfortable. Equipped with everything a pet could require–from cozy rest and play spaces to an outdoor deck for them to take in nature–this house is sure to make sure their comfort.

This pooch retreat takes inspiration from mushroom caps while using materials that are sustainable and cost-effective – ideal for first-timers looking to enter woodworking! This project would also make a good introduction to this field for novice woodworkers.

This adorable home will keep snow and rain out while Plexiglas windows let in natural sunlight. Although this project requires more technical knowledge than others, it’s worth every extra hour spent. Plus, this beach-inspired doghouse will look beautiful in your backyard while accommodating multiple pups comfortably!

2. Jen Woodhouse’s Decked-Out Dog House

Jen Woodhouse offers this beautiful dog house plan to achieve an upscale aesthetic for your canine companions. With this gazebo-style shelter in mind, building it should be relatively straightforward even for first-time carpenters. Plus, personalize it further by adding a chalkboard sign featuring your pup’s name!

Modern Builds’ Large Dog House from Modern Builds requires more know-how but will surely impress any onlooker. Featuring a mock barn door and cedar shingles for comfort in all weather, your pup will love living here!

Making this DIY dog house is an affordable weekend project with the use of a reclaimed pallet as its foundation. Not only can it provide cozy shelter for your furry friend, but you can customize its colors and decorations as per their tastes! Stain or paint may be necessary to protect it from the elements but this project should be manageable by even amateur carpenters, making this an engaging project for kids to work on with their parents! The dog house features an unusual deck design and insulation to keep Fido warm!

3. Andrea Arzensek’s Insulated Dog House

If you live in an area prone to extremely cold temperatures or where dangerous wildlife like bears and wolves roam freely, Fido needs a safe home that protects him from the elements – like this DIY dog house plan by Andrea Arzensek which features an insulated floor and roof for extra insulation against adverse climate conditions.

Starting by nailing a block of OSB (oriented strand board) to the bottom of your frame, cut sheets of fiberglass batt or Styrofoam insulation to size and layer them over OSB, before covering all this insulation material with paneling or plywood to keep curious pups from pulling it off and ingestion it.

This design fits most medium-sized breeds of dogs, while you can easily scale it up for larger pooches. Insulated walls help keep out cold air while plastic windows allow sunlight in for an added view of your pup’s surroundings.

4. Handyman Tips’ Reclaimed Pallet Dog House

Handyman Tips’ Reclaimed Pallet Dog House DIY Plan Is an Excellent Way for Beginners! Using only simple tools, and no advanced woodworking knowledge or skill, this adorable pet house features a spacious sundeck for relaxation as well as long bases to shelter against rain – an excellent project to get started with carpentry!

This cozy retreat may look like a mushroom, but it’s quite easy to build using simple materials and instructions. Perfect for small breeds and first-time builders alike, its circular form makes assembly fast. Plans include complete shopping lists, diagrams, and instructions – everything you need for assembly to start right away! Be sure to stain the finished product after assembly for maximum weatherproofing; as this design is quite heavy it should be assembled somewhere it won’t require heavy lifting!

5. Silverline Tools’ Crooked Dog House

Silverline Tools provides an innovative dog house plan made of reclaimed pallets that is straightforward to assemble. Perfect for medium-sized pups, this design comes equipped with an eye-catching crooked door for added character in their outdoor home and helps reduce windy and rainy conditions, making this structure suitable for colder climates.

This design requires advanced woodworking skills; however, according to its creator, even beginner builders can complete it successfully by following the detailed instructions included in their download.

An outdoor dog house built yourself is an effective way to ensure your pet remains healthy and safe while living in your yard. Plus, doing it yourself saves money! For added coziness consider adding windows for ventilation as well as an overhang for extra weather protection.

6. Jen Woodhouse’s Hacienda Dog House

Jen Woodhouse has designed an all-inclusive dog house. Not only is it spacious, but it features everything your pup could need – such as a toy box and built-in food and water bowls – in one insulated housing system that keeps their pup cozy all year round. An intermediate project that only takes one weekend to finish!

This charming little hacienda will look wonderful anywhere in your backyard. This design is easy to follow and includes shopping lists, tools needed, color photos, and building instructions with step-by-step building instructions and crookedness is intentional for an added cute factor and better weather resistance. Your pet may enjoy resting, playing, and relaxing here while others stop by to visit him in his new home – who knows? Perhaps some new pals might stop over.

7. Iwanebe’s Bamboo Dog House

Modern Builds’ stylish dog house provides your furry pal with the ideal space to lounge during cool or warm weather, perfect for small to medium-sized canines. Plus, its chic appearance will impress other canine friends!

Jen Woodhouse created an inviting pet retreat, perfect for restful summer afternoon naps in the shade. As it’s an easy DIY project that even novice woodworkers can complete successfully.

Give your pup a cozy home that can withstand the elements with this rustic plan from Handyman Tips. Insulated against cold temperatures, real shingles to protect from rain and snow, customizable for larger breeds easily customized, budget-friendly option that offers plenty of restful relaxation throughout the year! Your canine will thank you!

8. Jen Woodhouse’s Gazebo Dog House

Free DIY dog house plans anyone can build easily, modern dog houses with an eye-catching wood finish, like this design by Brinda is sure to catch their pups’ interest. The insulated interior is ideal for cold climates while its outdoor deck provides plenty of lounging space during hot summer days. Note, though, this project takes time and advanced woodworking skills as specialized cuts and construction techniques must be implemented during construction.

If you own a large breed pup and like the idea of creating a hacienda for him or her, this design could be perfect. Crafted out of cedar shingles with charming windows (complete with shutters!) this homely structure is sure to impress visitors!

Built specifically for moderate climates, this DIY dog house is an easy build for beginners. The strong roof will stand up against rain while its small wooden overhang protects it from the wind. As this design can be quite heavy, make sure that it goes exactly where intended to avoid backbreaking lifting efforts.

9. Silverline Tools’ Reclaimed Pallet Dog House

This creative dog house plan is an effective way to reuse any extra pallet wood lying around. Featuring a durable design with an extended roof that provides sun protection, too, this creative structure is sure to keep your pup satisfied for hours on end!

Another great aspect of this design is that it can easily accommodate various breeds of dogs. Additionally, insulating your house might also help if you live in a colder climate.

Your pup must feel truly spoiled with this adorable pagoda-style dog house! Featuring ornate windows and beach-inspired decor, it makes an adorable home for your furry pal!

This rustic A-frame design boasts rustic charm. Easily accommodating most breeds of dogs and an affordable option on most budgets, this design comes complete with a shopping list and instructions – making it the ideal project for first-time builders.

10. Simple A-Frame Dog House Plan

An A-frame dog house plan will give your furry friend peace of mind in the great outdoors. Insulated with plywood to keep it cooler during summer and warmer during winter. Plus, its unique design stands out from others on its block! Plus, this plan provides all the necessary materials and tools needed as well as step-by-step instructions with pictures.

Jen Woodhouse offers a dog house plan sure to delight any furry friend. Her home features a deck, toy box, and built-in food and water bowls; perfect for dogs of all sizes while offering a more sophisticated style. Read more >> How to House Train a Small Breed Puppy?

Considering gifting them a custom-made dog house as a thoughtful present. Not only will the recipient appreciate it for years to come but you might make your gift memorable for yourself as well!

How to Keep House Smelling Good with Pets?

Doing it right when it comes to keeping your house smelling good with Here are a few easy tips for making sure that your house smelling good with pets.

Your dog beds should be regularly washed to remove odors caused by feces, vomit, and urine build-up. Consider purchasing one with antimicrobial properties to prevent bacteria build-up and odor formation.

1. Clean Up Pet Messes Immediately

Owning a pet doesn’t have to mean living in an offensive house! With some smart strategies in place, you can keep your house fresh without forgoing their companionship.

Pet messes require immediate action; whether urine or food droppings, you must address them quickly to prevent setting and spreading. Any initial odor can be neutralized by using paper towels dipped in mild cleanser and water solutions like dish soap or white vinegar to blot the area and neutralize its scent.

For stubborn stains and odors that have had time to settle in, an enzyme cleaner may provide the answer. These cleaners work on a molecular level to break down and eliminate pet-related odors and stains – they’re available at most pet stores and work great on carpets, upholstery, and hard surfaces alike!

If there’s still an unpleasant odor present after the initial cleaning, sprinkle the area with baking soda and let it sit for at least an hour before vacuuming to deodorize and refresh the area, allowing you to get back to enjoying your furry family member. This step should provide relief by deodorizing and refreshing the area!

Urine stains and odors can also be removed using an enzymatic cleaner, which works by breaking down molecules to break apart stain and odor particles – just follow the directions on its label for optimal results!

Cat messes can be more challenging to clean up, as their litter often emits stronger odors and requires additional time and attention when cleaning up. But the quick response and consistent grooming sessions will help minimize odor-producing substances in their litterboxes and lower odor levels overall.

As part of your pet cleanup routine, ensure to regularly air out your home by opening windows or vents to help freshen it and release smells instead of being trapped within porous materials like wood and fabric. This can help eliminate unpleasant odors from being trapped indoors for an extended period.

Not forgetting to take your pets for frequent walks and swap their litter regularly can help eliminate indoor messes while keeping pet odor outside where it belongs. Also, make sure your pets feel at ease by providing plenty of attention and playtime for maximum comfort!

2. Clean Your Pet’s Toys and Accessories

Your pet’s toys and accessories can become an incubator of germs just like any other part of your home, according to Yakas. “Germs not only cause illness in pets but can be harmful to family members with allergies as well.” Routine cleaning helps ensure their toys do not spread germs or smells throughout your house.

Your pets, much like children, enjoy playing with various toys. Your cat or dog may prefer cuddling up with one particular plush animal while playing or chasing after balls and other interactive items; but over time these toys may start to smell due to repeated exposure to saliva, dirt, and grime from playing outdoors or from your pet chewing on it long enough. Plus, if he or she chews too long they could leave open wounds which become sources of odor and bacteria.

White vinegar is an ideal way to clean pet toys safely for ingestion by animals, making this an effective natural cleaner that’s safe for consumption by pets. Pour this solution into a bowl or sink, soak the toys for 15 minutes, rinse, dry, and return them to your pet to play with. Hard plastic toys could also benefit from being put through the dishwasher with baking soda for extra deep-cleaning action.

While you’re cleaning and sanitizing the toys belonging to your cat or dog, take this opportunity to toss any that are worn-out or broken – this will reduce fur and dander accumulation while keeping his or her favorite toys looking their best for as long as possible!

If your toy collection includes plush or fabric toys, handwashthem using either cold or warm water and pet-safe detergent at least every two weeks (ideally more). Alternately, for convenience, you could also put these types of toys into the dryer on an air-dry cycle with some scented dryer sheets for fast air-drying times.

3. Put a Washable Cover on Furniture

Dogs bring much-needed companionship and entertainment into our homes, yet their scent can sometimes leave an unsavory odor that can be difficult to mask. Luckily, there are steps you can take to keep your house from reeking of dogs with just a bit of work and the appropriate products.

One of the best things you can do for your furniture is to add a washable cover, as this will protect against pet stains and hair while making cleaning much simpler – saving hundreds of dollars in cleaning services while keeping it looking good for longer.

As another way of preventing odors from building up on your furniture, regular vacuuming with a HEPA filter vacuum is also useful in keeping pet dander at bay and spreading around the house. Lint rollers can remove fur from clothing or upholstery quickly.

Make sure that you routinely clean your dog’s bedding, including their bed itself and any toys they play with. Baking soda powder or an odor remover safe for both humans and canines should help eliminate odors on dog beds.

Finally, it is important to air out your home as much as possible. Opening a window will allow fresh air into your space and remove musty smells that may linger there. In addition, try not to use candles or incense as these can release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere.

Modern Maids has the perfect solution if you want a high-quality couch cover to keep your furniture clean and smelling great: this dog couch cover. Crafted from soft yet durable material that’s both machine-washable and waterproof, this soft yet durable cover also features an antimicrobial finish to resist orders in homes with pets. Additionally, its versatile sizes will fit seamlessly into your living space! With various colors and sizes to choose from, Modern Maids guarantees it!

4. Buy an Air Purifier

Many people love dogs and want them in their lives, yet many must contend with the associated odors. Luckily, there are some relatively straightforward measures you can take to keep your home smelling pleasant when housing pets. How to House Train a Small Breed Puppy?

Begin by regularly washing all of your dog’s bedding, blankets, toys, and leashes. Establish a set day each week when you will do this so you can keep up with it easily.

Make sure to vacuum all the carpeting and rugs in your home regularly to remove lingering dog odors that might linger in the fibers, such as urine spots. A HEPA filter vacuum may capture and eliminate more pet odors than traditional vacuums can.

For optimal results when mopping wood floors, use an all-natural cleaning solution without bleach, ammonia, phenols formaldehyde, or glycol ethers – this will remove odors more effectively from these surfaces.

One way to reduce odors is to switch out carpets for hard flooring. Carpets absorb smells such as vomit and urine more readily than hard surfaces; additionally, they may be harder to keep clean. If carpet is essential in any form, look for antimicrobial qualities when purchasing it.

Finally, when possible try feeding your pup a gut-friendly diet. This will promote healthier digestion which in turn will decrease gas and odor production. There is a wide range of gut-friendly food available so it shouldn’t be hard finding something they enjoy eating! Additionally, pet-safe essential oils can also be purchased and used around the home either through oil diffusers or cotton balls to absorb odors around your home and mask them – try several varieties until you find what best works. These are just a few ways to ensure keeping your home smelling great when living alongside pets!

Homemade Cat Food Recipes for Sensitive Stomach Useful Recipes

Homemade cat food recipes designed for sensitive stomach can help ensure that your feline’s digestive health remains optimal. By omitting grains that cause food sensitivities and stomach upset in cats. Best homemade cat food Recipes for sensitive stomach provide the solution.

Instead of feeding cooked bones that may splinter and make digestion difficult for cats, specialized pet nutrition companies opt for sources that provide additional calcium and phosphorus sources as a supplement.


If your feline has digestive problems like vomiting and diarrhea, feeding her with an adequate protein-rich diet is key to her swift recovery. Furthermore, using homemade food gives you control over which ingredients may trigger allergic reactions in your system.

As the first step of making your cat food, the first thing you’ll need is high-quality meat – rabbit, turkey, or chicken all provide ample protein content. And organ meats offer added vitamins and minerals for an additional boost in nutrition.

Vegetables And Fruits

Add vegetables and fruits for maximum nutrition; sweet potatoes make an excellent choice as they contain lots of fiber to aid digestion. While parsley contains antioxidants that support immunity. Carrots and green beans provide other essential nutrients. Finally, finish off your meal by including some natural sugar sources like honey to satisfy sensitive stomachs.

Protein is an essential nutrient for cats, aiding with muscle development and wound healing as well as the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and minerals that support healthy skin and coat development. Too much protein, however, may be detrimental – lean proteins like poultry and fish should be prioritized over heavy meat sources like red meat.

Fat is an important source of energy for cats, providing energy as needed. But too much fat can lead to obesity; therefore, you need to monitor how much you add to your diet. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fruits and veggies would be an ideal addition.

Add carbohydrates to your cat’s diet to promote optimal absorption of vitamins and minerals. Carbs can be found in fruits, vegetables, grains, or even animal-derived sources like chicken. Knowing which carbohydrates work best with your feline companion and in what quantities should be included will ensure she gets what she needs from each meal.


A healthy diet for cats should include high-quality proteins such as poultry, fish, and lean beef as well as vegetables, fruits, and seeds rich in essential vitamins and minerals for maximum absorption by their digestive systems. And to reduce symptoms such as indigestion, vomiting diarrhea or other forms of discomfort.

If your cat has a sensitive stomach, food selection is especially crucial. Many commercial products contain additives, fillers, and artificial ingredients which could trigger negative reactions in their bodies. Homemade meals prepared using only fresh and high-quality ingredients would likely be far preferable to meet his/her specific nutritional needs.

This recipe starts with turkey as its primary ingredient, providing your cat with an easily digestible source of protein that won’t upset its stomach. Peas and sweet potatoes provide easily digestible carbs while superfoods like kale provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Fat is an integral component of your pet’s diet, as it provides energy and absorption of essential nutrients. Fat also plays a vital role in their metabolism and immune function. But too much fat may lead to obesity and health issues; when crafting homemade recipes for your cat or dog’s meal plan. Be sure to select low-fat proteins like chicken and turkey breast over fatty cuts of meat.

Opting for food that has been specifically developed for cats with sensitive stomachs can make an immense difference to your pet’s quality of life. It can help minimize or eliminate symptoms associated with indigestion and food allergies, leading to improved health for you both. In addition, such specialized food options will often only contain one type of protein; some options use what’s known as novel proteins (meat that’s rarely seen elsewhere).


An upset cat with a sensitive stomach can quickly become upset and begin vomiting after eating the wrong foods putting their digestive tract under strain. If your feline starts throwing up in your living room carpet, call your veterinarian as soon as possible to make sure there’s nothing seriously wrong that requires medical intervention.

Home diets may help your feline overcome sensitive stomachs. Instead of buying store-bought food with too many additives. Try cooking plain meats and rice as this provides your cat with healthy sources of protein. And carbs, providing long-term solutions like tuna which is high in saturated fats while being an apex predator, may contain mercury levels.

Homemade Recipes

Homemade recipes designed specifically to address cats with sensitive stomachs exist as well. These are created from high-quality ingredients to aid with digestion in felines and may include prebiotics. And probiotics to support their natural gut microbes, giving your cat every chance of full recovery from a sensitive stomach condition.

Homemade food tends to be healthier than commercial alternatives and contains an array of essential nutrients. Some recipes utilize only one type of animal protein while others combine several, such as rabbit, chicken, turkey, or quail meat with vegetables, fruits. And grains; organ meats (hearts, tongues, livers, or lungs) can provide additional protein, vitamins, and minerals.

Ensure a gradual transition when switching your cat to a homemade diet, starting by giving scheduled meal times rather than offering it on demand. This will prevent him or her from becoming too used to their new food and developing digestive issues. Also start with protein items they are already eating; for new animal proteins. Make sure it is cooked to ensure soft digestibility or add organ meats gradually to minimize reactions from your feline friend.

Vitamins and Minerals

Felines require specific vitamins and minerals to remain healthy, making homemade recipes generally superior to commercial diets in providing these vital elements. If the recipe follows a balanced nutritional profile and uses high-quality ingredients. That are easy for your cat to digest such as using different proteins, steaming, baking, or boiling. Cooking processes as well as adding probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or alfalfa sprouts as probiotic sources. Homemade meals can often have outshone these alternatives. Home Remedies to Stop Cats from Pooping on Carpet

First, choose a protein your cat already consumes to ease any transitional digestive issues. And then find a recipe with other nourishing ingredients to fill in any nutritional gaps.

This recipe pairs turkey and salmon with sweet potatoes, broccoli, and chicken broth to provide an outstanding source of protein. In addition, salmon and sweet potato provide high amounts of vitamins A and C while providing additional sources of nutrition such as essential dietary minerals and additional vitamin sources. Furthermore, this dish is free from grains, wheat, and corn as well as artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives making this meal both convenient and healthy.

Homemade Cat Food Recipes

Homemade cat food recipes may also include omega-3 and omega-6 oils for additional benefits to skin and coat health, inflammation reduction, joint support improvement, and immune system support. These essential fatty acids provide essential nourishment that promotes well-being for cats.

Taurine is another essential nutrient for cats, an amino acid they cannot produce themselves and must obtain through diet alone. Without sufficient quantities of taurine in their bodies. Your cat could experience retinal degeneration, dilated cardiomyopathy, or infertility as a result. When creating a homemade diet for your cat, start with only premium quality ingredients that fit within your budget. And supplement them as necessary to provide him or her with optimal vitamins and minerals. Vitamin powder, calcium supplements, and fish oil may all be easily available and could easily increase her nutrient intake. Be sure to check with your veterinarian first though as some supplements could increase risk.

How to Introduce a New Kitten to a Resident Cat?

Introduce a new kitten to a resident cat, Introduce new kittens slowly into your existing cat household to reduce stress levels. Allowing both cats to become familiar with each other’s scent before allowing them to meet each other can be particularly effective.

Start by giving your current cat something that smells similar to its new kitten (such as a blanket or toy with its scent rubbed in). Leave this around their room, so they can familiarize themselves with them without actually seeing them.

Keep the Cats Separate

After several days have passed, keep the new cat in a room apart from your resident one until he or she becomes acquainted with its scent and can view it safely from a distance. If all cats seem comfortable together, you could open doors or windows between them to allow short periods of visual contact via screens or baby gates.

Your resident cat(s) likely feel as if they own the house, making a new kitten feel threatening to them. Therefore, it’s wise to establish a base camp for the newcomer for a few days, with his or her favorite bedding, toys, food/water bowls, litter box, and hiding spaces available to him or her.

As another way of introducing your new cat’s scent to existing cats, try placing a washcloth or sock with its scent into their territory to familiarise them with his/her smell and face. This may help them learn what their new companion smells like as well.

Give Each Cat Their Own Space

Cats can be territorial creatures and may react poorly when introduced to new kittens of any breed or age; for this reason, you should give each of the resident cats and the new kitten separate spaces within your home for at least several days after arrival.

Establish an area for your new cat, preferably behind a door that your existing one does not access, that has all its necessities: food, bedding, toys, and a play area. This area will become her “base camp” during her first few days at home. Try swapping bedding between both cats, swapping blankets between them both, and rubbing a washcloth or sock across their faces so that both cats become familiar with one another quickly.

Over the next several days, separate the cats for playtime and mealtime using only the base camp room. When neither cat displays aggression or fear during this period, gradually increase the amount of space each has to roam freely in one other’s territory.

Give Each Cat Their Toys

Once both cats are settled into their new homes and provided with enough toys, bedding, food bowls, hiding spaces, water bottles, and human attention they will begin playing together – this may take from hours or even months.

Step two of introducing two pets involves giving each of them time to observe each other from opposite sides of a baby gate or pet carrier (if available). You could encourage spending time together by offering treats or playing with feather toys; doing this over a few days will allow them to become familiar with one another’s scents and build confidence in both.

Adult cats can sometimes resent newcomers and may act aggressively toward kittens. If this occurs, try distancing yourself for a short while until the behavior subsides; then step back a few steps and try again slowly; if this does not work out well consider adopting another kitten from a shelter or returning the original one home as finding the appropriate homemate is essential to their wellbeing and health.

Give Each Cat Their Food

To reduce stress on both cats, attempt to keep as much of their normal routine intact as possible. This will enable the resident cat to feel at ease around its new addition and may reduce any hostile responses they might have towards him or her. Keep the new cat in a room that isn’t occupied by its counterpart and make sure they both have access to food, water, litter trays, and toys – giving both times to adjust to each other without facing one another directly.  Best homemade cat food Recipes for sensitive stomach 

If possible, use a towel containing the scent of the new kitten and rub it against her bed to let her sniff it. Start swapping food bowls between them to associate each other’s scents with positive eating experiences, once that process has taken place, move onto visual contact. It could take days or even weeks before both cats fully accept each other, but with patience and planning they could soon become best buddies.

Give Each Cat Their Bed

Keep your kitten separated from any resident cats for the first few days until introducing them together, ensuring the room has access to a door with which you can close so as not to cause unnecessary confrontation between the two cats that could lead to aggression or fights.

Step two is designed to introduce the scent of your new kitten without directly encountering her/him. For example, swap blankets or toys between them or use a washcloth/sock rubbed over its cheek to collect its scent before giving it to your resident cat. Feed your adult cat something from the new kitten’s space (such as some of its food or treats) to form positive associations and foster recognition of it by your older cat, possibly leading to greeting it with friendly sniffs and welcome. Introducing two cats could take several days, but with patience and careful planning, they could soon become best buddies.

How to House Train a Small Breed Puppy?

Your puppy should always be kept under close observation when inside the house. Watch for any sign of sniffing or circling as this could be their signal that they need to eliminate. House train a small breed puppy always use a leash. Take your pet outside at least every 30 minutes throughout the day – such as before meals and when waking from nap time – so they can relieve themselves properly.

Crate Training

Crate training can be an effective way of helping your puppy adjust to having her own space where she can rest and unwind. Providing safety during storms or medical procedures for older dogs. Although other means exist for training your pup to remain within her den. Crates tend to provide the most reliable solution in terms of reducing anxiety and encouraging restful behaviors.

As soon as your puppy enters her crate, give her time and space to explore it freely, and keep the door open. When she ventures inside on her own, praise and reward her with treats or toys until she feels at ease entering when summoned by you.

As soon as she’s home with you, start confining her for short periods while at home. This provides a perfect opportunity for you to get housework done or catch up on work while your puppy enjoys his special space. If she whines to be let out of his crate, don’t react by rewarding her with treats or playing outside of it. Instead, encourage this behavior by rewarding her with play sessions outside her crate.


If your pup is peaceful while in her crate, close the door for around half an hour to ensure she remains peaceful and quiet. Be sure that she is neither tired, hungry, nor thirsty before doing this. If they vocalize while in there though, leave the room and wait a bit before trying again – otherwise she might learn it’s acceptable to cry or throw tantrums to get out.

If she does not vocalize, close her crate and walk around its perimeter with her. Sprinkle treats throughout to keep things interesting for her and continue this until she feels comfortable entering and exiting on her own. Once this step has been taken successfully, longer-duration lockdowns may be introduced.

Potty Training

Daily, your puppy must be placed in an enclosed confinement area that includes sleeping space, play areas. And an elimination spot – such as pet pee pads, a newspaper covering the entire floor in several layers, or a sod box filled with dog litter products. Giving your puppy regular schedules for elimination outside his/her crate will help reinforce that they should utilize this area when need be.

Begin potty training by taking them directly to their toilet area upon awakening. Directly after eating and drinking, and after playtime. Also, take them out every 30 minutes during the initial stages to reduce the chances of accidents in places you prefer to remain clean such as their bed or carpet.

Once your puppy understands where they should eliminate, you can gradually decrease their potty breaks. Tracking their movements will allow you to determine when and how often they need a potty break as well as pinpoint when they have the most need for elimination.

If your puppy eliminates in an unexpected location, don’t punish it – doing so may teach them to hide accidents from you. And create an unnecessarily adversarial relationship between yourself and your pup. Instead, practice positive reinforcement as this may help slow progress further while simultaneously developing an adverse impression of you from them.

Raised Indoors – House Train a Small Breed Puppy

Some puppies raised indoors will sometimes relieve themselves inexplicably when greeting their owner. Due to being so excited. To prevent this from happening, attempt to remain calm as you welcome your puppy home and greet them. To prevent an incident like this from occurring again, keep them calm as soon as you meet up with them. And don’t rush things too much when greeting your pup.

If your puppy eliminates inside, take them directly to their designated toilet spot and praise them for going in it. Furthermore, it is vitally important that the area be completely cleaned up; leaving remnants of urine or feces can encourage your puppy to soil there again. Ensure you clean everything completely to reduce repeat incidents.

Training Routine

Routine can make puppies much happier, benefiting their overall health, well-being, and relationships between dogs and humans. A schedule also aids training; puppies learn best when there are set times to eat, play and sleep. This is especially true with toilet training where long gaps between bathroom breaks increase their likelihood of accidents.

Be ready to take your puppy out regularly throughout the day to prevent accidents. As soon as he or she wakes up after they eat or drinks anything and every half-hour while playing – always using the cue word “toilet”. Once they eliminate outside praise them and reward them with food treats as reinforcement of this behavior.

When leaving your puppy alone, confine them to an area they cannot soil (such as a corner of the living room blocked off by baby gates or their crate). Make sure it’s large enough for them to stand and lie down within. Close it when necessary when leaving home. And always provide plenty of fresh water before bed – drinking too much before sleeping can cause accidents!

At night, place your puppy in their crate at an established time and help them settle in. This will teach them to associate sleeping in their crate with security in their own space.

If your puppy is having trouble sleeping, try playing a quiet and calm game such as hiding around the house until they tire themselves out. This should encourage them to sleep in their crate more easily allowing everyone involved a good night’s rest!

Never punish a puppy for having an accident as this will only serve to undermine their trust in you and slow progress. Instead, take them immediately outside to their toilet area until they eliminate; once done. Bring them back inside for play or a training session.


Staying on schedule and supervising your puppy’s potty needs should help to minimize accidents, but accidents do still happen occasionally. Even the most diligent puppy may experience accidents; don’t beat yourself up over it – accidents are part of life! Use it as an opportunity to teach something instead. For example, allowing too long between meals could teach her that eliminating indoors is acceptable. And that there’s no harm done if there’s too long between feedings – both behaviors could potentially cause accidents.

As part of your potty training strategy, pay close attention to any signs that your pup needs to go potty such as sniffing, wandering off, whining, or standing by the door. When these clues appear, pick her up immediately and take her outside. Reward her for any successful elimination with praise and treats after each success! The more often this pattern repeats itself, the quicker she’ll learn that going outdoors equals positive reinforcements and success!

Potty pads should only be used as an emergency measure or when living in an environment where winter temperatures are particularly low. Otherwise, they can create confusion for your dog and slow the house-training process as well as encourage inappropriate indoor locations such as carpeting or furniture for elimination.

Never Punish

Finally, never punish your puppy after they have had an accident indoors – including punishment after the fact. Punitive measures won’t work and could make her more fearful of you; furthermore, they are not humane. Scolding her or rubbing her nose in it only serves to frighten and create an association between these actions and indoor elimination.

If your previously house-trained adult dog has started having accidents indoors. It may be wise to visit your veterinarian to make sure there’s no medical cause behind these occurrences. A change in diet or incorporating more physical exercise may provide relief. As well as treat any existing health conditions that might exist.